Keith J. Varadi @ Sydney
Nice American Guy
Keith Varadi
November 10 - December 15, 2018
Old loves have been lost. New friends have been found.
I’ve been tripped up and tricked out; reality checked—bravo!
You can’t decide where you’re from, but you can decide what you become.

Keith J. Varadi, Copyright, Video, 2016

Keith J. Varadi, Good Luck and Good Nite, Video, 2016

Keith J. Varadi, Living, Video, 2017

Keith J. Varadi, Dead Ringers, Artist's damaged and discarded iPhones, fishbowl, Pacific saltwater, 2018

Keith J. Varadi, Hot Yoga Dirge, Artist's replaced door hardware, artist's recovered cables and cords, 2018

Keith J. Varadi, Natural History, Greek deli coffee cups, allergy pills dissolved in English Breakfast tea, 2018

Keith J. Varadi, Peace Be With You, Custom flag, 2012

Keith J. Varadi, You Don't Know How It Feels, Artist's discarded shoes, Sydney beach sand, 2018