
Naturally @ Lulu

Lorena Ancona, Christian Camacho and Lucía Vidales

August 25 - September 15, 2018
Bajío 231
Colonia Roma, Cuauhtémoc
06760 DF, México

Lulu is proud to present a three-person exhibition of three Mexican artists Lorena Ancona, Christian Camacho and Lucía Vidales.

Working in a pictorial mode, these three artists are interested in questions of nature, what is natural or what is natural to painting. Mexican, Oaxaca-based artist Lorena Ancona’s ceramic objects, which have developed out of a painting practice, assume fluid, serpentine and vegetal forms which seem almost too delicate sustain the integrity of ceramics, and yet they do. The Mexican, Mexico City-based artist, Christian Camacho has also cultivated a practice from the two-dimensional medium that goes beyond conventional painting. Here he presents a selection of three-dimensional works that impose a strange, unnatural geometry upon the so-called natural world, conflating organic and non organic materials toward rich, pictorial ends. And finally, Mexican, Mexico City-based painter Lucía Vidales who is known to create quaint, monstrous and labored paintings, presents a selection of works in which her process heavy, mark making seems to take on an almost organic life of its own.

Lorena Ancona (b. 1981, Chetumal, Mexico) lives and works between Quintana Roo and Oaxaca. A selection of recent exhibitions includes: (2018) Modos de Ver, Centro Cultural Olimpo, Mexico City; Danza Cohune, open studio Parallel Oaxaca, Oaxaca de Juárez; Modos de Ver, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City (2016) X Bienal de Pintura Alfredo Zalce, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Morelia; X Bienal de Nicaragua, Exposición Colectiva XBN, Casa Deshón, León, Nicaragua (2015) Circuito Xochimilco, Oaxaca (2014) Negroazul, Playa del Carmen.

Christian Camacho (b. 1985, Estado de México, Mexico) lives and works in Mexico City. A selection of recent solo exhibitions includes: (2018) NADA NY with Galería Mascota, NADA NY, New York (2017) Línea que nada, Galería Tiro al Blanco, Guadalajara; Remotu Litorale: doce reconfiguraciones a partir de estampas modernas en la Colección Carrillo Gil, IFAL/Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City (2016) habla casa dinos tu nombre, LADRÓN galería, Mexico City. Group exhibitions: (2018) México. Pintura Reactiva, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City; Pacto de Sangre, Edison 137, Mexico City; ¿QUIÉN TE CREES TÚ?, Periférico, Mexico City (2017) Cáscara de Mango, London Squash, Mexico City; Los juegos del Capricornio, Arróniz Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City.

Lucía Vidales (b. 1986, Mexico City, Mexico) lives and works in Mexico City. A selection of recent solo exhibitions includes: (2018) El tiempo que nos pudrirá, Edison 137, Mexico City; Perros cien veces perros, LADRÓN Galería, Mexico City (2017) Brlbrlbrlbrlbrlbrl, Bikini Wax, Mexico City. Group exhibitions: (2018) El cordón umbilical retiniano, ESPAC, Mexico City; Tiger poems and songs for Hurricanes, Galería Travesía 4, Guadalajara; In Psyco, Estudio Marte 221, Mexico City; Do you believe in life after love? Deslave, Tijuana (2017) Decolonizing Tridimensionality, AMOR Art space, Mexico City; Montar la Bestia, USC Fisher Museum of Art, Los Angeles, Museo Nacional de ferrocarril mexicanos, Puebla, CaSa, Oaxaca.