Growth @ Helen's Costume
Jackie Stewart
Chase Biado
Shannon Anderson
November 9th - December 21st, 2020
Helen’s Costume
Got new glasses to make my face look smaller but really everything is bigger now. Haven't left my concrete apartment in over a week, and the upstairs neighbor got an even taller pair of wood soled platform sandals.
They’re slightly farther away now when they walk, but they sound closer.
A naked mole rat, all things being equal, gets to hear the sound of chewing through a flat wall of rock, that must make a truly magnificent reverberation in your skull.
Building through excavation, growth only in absence of soil and rock.
Give me the strength to once do something that could be described as sanguine. Limbs stretched -- now blood flows to farther lands than ever deemed safe, but walking down a narrow hall or through dogwood forests is nearly impossible, what with the sway and limb flail, it will take longer to adapt to this new scenario.
I only hope it stays the same for just long enough to learn new boundaries.
when I die
If I ever do die. I want it to be right after I swallow a big handful of pomegranate seeds
walking out somewhere far in the forest
where there’s just enough light
and all my stomach can mix with the forest humus,
mark time with rings
blood thick
warm weather shrub amongst the idiot hive mind quaking aspens,
offer more to the mouth than eye
“I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.”
Well then, give me the bad news first.
“It seems it’s taken root”
Damn OK give me the good news then
“Oh no, my apologies. The good news. I have it yes, but it is for someone else.”
~ Chase Allgood
Jackie Stewart - Jackie, aka Oblivia, aka Rock & Roll Jackie, has been ”performing sound” since 1979. She isinternationally known as a member of Smegma, the Tenses and the LAFMS (Los Angeles Free Music Society). Her visual medium is collage which directly parallels her pioneering work with her instrument of choice, the turntable.
In 2012, Stewart took part in the exhibition Beneath the Valley of the Lowest Form of Music Society (LAFMS) at the Box in Los Angeles. She has shown locally at Turn, Turn, Turn and Sidestreet.
Chase Biado - “is an artist living and not working in Los Angeles, California. They have shown at many small artist run galleries all of which are gone now.”
Shannon Anderson - Lives and works in Portland Ore. She has shown at UCPLA Washington Reid Gallery in LA, Arts of Life in Chicago and PALS, Portland Ore..
*Helen's Costume is a division of Costume International